What's New?

Many thanks from the Head of School -
Playground:  Primary received an upgrade with regards to a new and improved playground area.  We are thankful for previous parents feedback, and input from students and teachers. GJS are pleased with the new design, safe & sturdy play equipment and the variety. Amazing job by, GA and Support Teams!!

 MPOC: Students, teachers and community members are pleased to view the newly covered multi-purpose outdoor centre (MPOC), which was completed by the deadline, the 1st of October 2017.  The centre is a shared space for both Primary and Secondary extracurricular activities and Physical, Health Education classes.  'Terima kasih banyak' (thank you very much) to contractors, general affairs and security teams.

Enjoy the new and improved GJS Multi-Purpose Outdoor Centre; now known as 'MPOC', stay dry and have fun!

After...Go Hawks!!


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